High School Dance Ticket
High School Dance Ticket
FEBRUARY 7TH, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS High School Dance @ NWSA Cafeteria. Pickup is in carpool lane. Drivers are to remain in vehicles for pickup. No parking and walking up, please.


Admission for 1 to the High School Dance. High School NWSA students only. 

With the purchase of this ticket, parents and students expressly agree to the following:

  1. I give my child permission to attend the dance. 
  2. The dance ends promptly at 8:30 PM. I will be there to pick up my child on time. 
  3. Students will not be permitted to attend if they receive two or more lunch detentions (first block tardies do not count), 1 or more blocks of CARE (ISS) or any Out of School Suspension.*
  4. Students are bound by the CMS Code of Conduct. 
  5. This purchase is non-refundable unless the event is cancelled.